Grace Story: A Hearing Journey of an Accounting Consultant

AvenLink: Hello, can you introduce yourself and give us some background?

Grace: Of course. I was born with a hearing impairment and have been wearing hearing aids since I was four years old. I've accepted them as part of my life. I am now an accounting consultant, mainly responsible for managing accounts for various companies.

AvenLink: It sounds like you deal with many clients daily. How do you handle these challenges?

Grace: Yes, I do interact with many clients, but I usually work alone, which suits me well. Because of my hearing impairment, being able to work in my own office makes me feel very comfortable. Initially, colleagues found it inconvenient to communicate with me because of my hearing impairment, but later they realized that with my hearing aids, communication was not an issue at all.

AvenLink: How do you manage hearing issues during work meetings?

Grace: We came up with a solution to provide me with table microphones. I arrange these microphones based on the number of participants. For example, in a Monday meeting, we have an agenda, and I know someone will be discussing taxes and will be sitting far away from me. The speaker will wear a microphone on their chest, allowing me to hear them clearly.


AvenLink: How did your JIUYEE hearing aids play a role in this process?

Grace: Without my JIUYEE hearing aids, I might be a bit scared to attend these meetings. Using other hearing aids would cause a slight delay, and I would need some time to fully understand what others are saying. For example, there could be up to 30 people in a Monday meeting, and I wouldn’t be able to hear those sitting farthest from me. But with these hearing aids, I can hear everyone quickly and clearly, with ultra-low latency, just like normal communication.

AvenLink: Besides work meetings, have you encountered similar challenges in other settings?

Grace: Yes, besides work meetings, social gatherings and family gatherings are often challenging. It’s particularly difficult to hear everyone in noisy environments. But with my hearing aids, these situations have greatly improved. I remember a family gathering where everyone was chatting around a table, and it was very noisy. But with the hearing aids, I could hear everyone clearly and actively participate in the conversation.

AvenLink: Has your hearing impairment affected your career development?

Grace: Initially, it did have some impact because it took more time to adapt and overcome the inconveniences caused by hearing impairment. But with the hearing aids and support from my colleagues, I gradually adapted to these challenges and made progress in my career. Now, I can confidently participate in various meetings and discussions and provide high-quality consulting services to my clients.

AvenLink: What special feelings do you have about using JIUYEE hearing aids?

Grace: I am very satisfied. They not only help me excel at work but also provide great assistance in my daily life. Their ultra-low latency and high sound quality make me feel like I don’t have a hearing impairment at all. It’s truly amazing.

AvenLink: It seems your hearing aids have helped you overcome many hearing challenges. What are your plans for the future?

Grace: Yes, the hearing aids have truly changed my life. I hope to continue developing in the field of accounting and help more people with hearing impairments find suitable solutions. I plan to hold some lectures and sharing sessions in the future to help more people with hearing issues understand and use these advanced technological products.

AvenLink: Thank you for sharing your experiences and story.

Grace: Thank you!

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